Elastic Security + Tines: Arming MSSPs against SecOps challenges

Elastic Security + Tines: Arming MSSPs against SecOps challenges


As an MSSP, there are certain nuances and challenges that you may have which are not typically present in a traditional security operations team. It's important to have the right tools available to you to overcome any obstacle and provide the best experience and outcome for your customers.

In this webinar, join Barracuda, Tines, and Elastic as they talk through and demonstrate the power of having a modern, open, and flexible security analytics solution like Elastic Security, in conjunction with an easy-to-use, adaptable and powerful automation platform like Tines, and how the combination of both solutions can help MSSPs face many of their challenges head-on.


  • Learn how Barracuda Networks solve many of their challenges as an MSSP with Elastic Security and Tines
  • Get an understanding of how the integration between Elastic Security and Tines works
  • Watch live demos highlighting real-world use cases for MSSPs