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July 2023

Security Requires Speed

For as long as anyone can remember, organizations have had to balance 4 key areas when it comes to technology: security efficacy, cost, complexity, and user experience. The emergence of SASE and SSE brings new hope to be able to deliver fully in each of these areas, eliminating compromise; but not all architectures are truly up to the task. SASE represents the convergence of networking and security, with SSE being a stepping-stone to a complete single-vendor platform.

SASE is not SD-WAN + SSE

SASE = SD-WAN + SSE. This simple equation has become a staple of SASE marketing and thought leadership. It identifies two elements that underpin SASE, namely the network access technology (SD-WAN) and secure internet access (Security Service Edge (SSE)). The problem with this equation is that it is simply wrong. Here is why. What is missing from the equation? The answer is: a cloud network.

Is Your Multi-cloud Strategy Paying Off? Unlocking the Benefits of Multi-cloud Architectures with Netskope SASE

Should we be using multiple public cloud providers? As organizations continue to migrate applications and workloads to public cloud platforms, they often face the tough decision of sticking with a single provider or embracing multiple clouds. Using multiple cloud providers promises a variety of benefits including the ability to minimize vendor lock-in, leverage best-of-breed services, achieve cost advantages, and comply with data sovereignty rules.

SASE Evaluation Tips: The Risk of Public Cloud's High Costs on SASE Delivery

David Heinemeier Hansson lays out the economic case for why application providers should leave the cloud in a recently published blog post. It’s a powerful argument that needs to be heard by IT vendors and IT buyers, whether they are purchasing cloud applications or SASE services. Hansson is the co-owner and CTO of 37Signals, which makes Basecamp, the project management software platform, and Hey, an email service.

Cato's 5 Gbps SASE Speed Record is Good News for Multicloud and Hybrid Cloud Deployments

In the original Top Gun movie, Tom Cruise famously declared the words, “I feel the need! The need for speed!” At Cato Networks, we also feel the need for speed, and while we’re not breaking the sound barrier at 30,000 feet, we did just break the SASE speed barrier (again!).

SASE and CASB Functions: A Dynamic Duo for Cloud Security

Cloud adoption has exploded in recent years. Nearly all companies are using cloud solutions, and the vast majority having deployments spanning the platforms of multiple cloud service providers. These complex cloud infrastructures can create significant usability and security challenges for an organization. If security settings are misconfigured, an organization’s cloud infrastructure, services and applications could be potentially vulnerable to exploitation.