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June 2024

Memory Dump Analysis: Using LiME for Acquisition and Volatility for Initial Setup

Memory dump analysis is a crucial aspect of digital forensics, offering a snapshot of a system's volatile memory at a specific point in time. This can uncover critical evidence such as running processes, open network connections, and in-memory malware execution that disk analysis might miss. In a previous blog, we learnt how to use fmem for volatile memory acquisition.

The Ins and Outs of Cybersecurity Posture Assessment in 2024

Whether you're working with on-premises infrastructure, fully embracing the cloud, or running a hybrid solution, one thing is certain: a robust security posture is essential to safeguarding the environment. This article will explore today’s fundamentals of security posture assessment in both on-premises and cloud environments while briefly touching on the added complexities a hybrid setup will entail.

The Role of Cybersecurity in Modern Construction and Manufacturing

Cybersecurity and threat preparedness may be at the forefront of your mind, and you may have protections in place against more common threats. Yet, as these threats continue to evolve, vigilance and adaptation are crucial for construction and manufacturing organizations.

Business Email Compromise (BEC): Tracking a Threat Actor's Funny Business

In a recent LevelBlue incident response engagement, an analyst in our managed detection and response (MDR) security operations center (SOC) responded to an alarm that was triggered by a suspicious email/inbox rule. The rule aimed to conceal responses to an internal phishing attempt from the account user, so the attacker could solicit funds from the company's users.

The Best Proxy Servers for Multi-Accounting

Business owners are increasingly recognizing its positive impact on business growth. Many marketing and sales strategies use different accounts on a single platform. However, despite its effectiveness in business, not all platforms allow multi-accounting. That’s where residential proxy comes in as an effective solution for multi-accounting.

LevelBlue Labs Discovers Highly Evasive, New Loader Targeting Chinese Organizations

LevelBlue Labs recently discovered a new highly evasive loader that is being delivered to specific targets through phishing attachments. A loader is a type of malware used to load second-stage payload malware onto a victim’s system. Due to the lack of previous samples observed in the wild, LevelBlue Labs has named this malware “SquidLoader,” given its clear efforts at decoy and evasion.

Beat the Heat and Cyber Threats This Summer

Summer is a time for relaxation, travel, and spending quality moments with family and friends. However, it is also peak season for cybercriminals who exploit the vulnerabilities that arise during this period. Cyberattacks surge during the summer holiday season as businesses and individuals let their guard down. Many companies operate with reduced staff as employees take time off, leaving fewer eyes on critical systems and security measures.

Social Media Cybersecurity: Don't Let Employees Be Your Weakest Link

Maintaining an active social media presence can be a great way to improve brand visibility and generate leads, but it also opens the door to cybersecurity risks — from phishing scams and malware to identify theft and data breaches. If employees accidentally post confidential information or click dodgy links via corporate accounts, cybercriminals can launch malicious attacks that can cause lasting damage to your business (67% of data breaches result from human error).

Why Firewalls Are Not Enough in Today's Cybersecurity Landscape

Firewall technology has mirrored the complexities in network security, evolving significantly over time. Originally serving as basic traffic regulators based on IP addresses, firewalls advanced to stateful inspection models, offering a more nuanced approach to network security. This evolution continued with the emergence of Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs), which brought even greater depth through data analysis and application-level inspection.

Penetration Testing of A.I. Models

Penetration testing is a cornerstone of any mature security program and is a mature and well understood practice supported by robust methodologies, tools, and frameworks. The tactical goals of these engagements typically revolve around identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities in technology, processes, and people to gain initial, elevated, and administrative access to the target environment.

Security Testing in Software Development: Assessing Vulnerabilities and Weaknesses

The critical role of security testing within software development cannot be overstated. From protecting personal information to ensuring that critical infrastructure remains unbreachable, security testing serves as the sentry against a multitude of cyber threats.