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June 2021

Cloud Computing Security: A Primer

Gartner forecasts that worldwide public cloud end-user spending will grow 23% to USD 332.3 billion in 2021 as cloud technologies become mainstream. As cloud computing architectures continue to become more prevalent, “cloud native” has become a popular buzzword. But what exactly does “cloud native” mean and what impact does it have on security? How exactly do you secure all these cloud native applications?

Research Shows Over 100,000 Libraries Affected By Maven Vulnerability CVE-2021-26291

By Jonathan Leitschuh; Daniel Elkabes, Senior Security Researcher at WhiteSource; Ofir Keinan, Software Developer at WhiteSource The latest Maven release 3.8.1 contains a fix to security vulnerability CVE-2021-26291. Detected and reported by security researcher Jonathan Leitschuh, the vulnerability affects over 100,000 libraries in Maven Central, according to the WhiteSource security research and knowledge teams.

10 Supply Chain Security Tips That Won't Slow Development Down

As supply chain attacks continue to dominate headlines, software development teams are beginning to realize that package management can’t be taken lightly — the threats hidden under the hood are real. In this installment of The Source, we want to talk about the practices and tools that developers need to adopt in order to protect against supply chain attacks.

Docker Vs. Kubernetes: A Detailed Comparison

The Docker vs. Kubernetes debate is common in the containerization world. Although most people like comparing Kubernetes and Docker, the two technologies are not exchangeable—you cannot choose one over the other. They are essentially discrete technologies that can perfectly complement each other when creating, delivering, and scaling containerized applications. In fact, the best at par comparison would be Docker Swarm vs. Kubernetes, which we’ll talk about later.