Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2021

The Internet of Things Is Everywhere. Are You Secure?

From smart homes that enable you to control your thermostat from a distance to sensors on oil rigs that help predict maintenance to autonomous vehicles to GPS sensors implanted in the horns of endangered black rhinos, the internet of things is all around you. The internet of things (IoT) describes the network of interconnected devices embedded with sensors, software, or other technology that exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet.

Hitting Snooze on Alert Fatigue in Application Security

Medical devices, subway car doors, severe weather warnings, heavy machinery, car alarms, software security alerts. They all notify you to indicate that something is wrong so that you can take action to prevent harm. Hospital monitors can detect a wide range of issues, from an incorrect dose of medication to an irregular heartbeat and beyond. They can quite literally save a life. The same goes for severe weather alerts that warn of impending tornadoes or hurricanes.

Managing Security Debt: How to Reduce Security Deficit

Recent years have seen a sharp increase in the number of reported security vulnerabilities, along with quite a few notorious attacks on enterprise applications. Organizations have reacted by increasing their investment in AppSec and DevSecOps, including the widespread adoption of AST (application security testing) tools.