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September 2020

Black Box Testing: What You Need to Know

Today’s software development life cycle includes a variety of quality and security testing techniques at every stage. Frequent testing throughout the DevOps pipeline is imperative considering the ever-increasing pace of development. One of the most common testing methods that companies use to ensure the products they are pushing out are secure and high-quality is black box testing.

Top 7 Questions to Ask When Evaluating a Software Composition Analysis Solution

Your open source usage is out of control. Sure, it’s helping you develop your product faster and getting new releases out the door in days instead of months, but now your code base is made up of 60% or more open source components. And that percentage is only growing. The application layer continues to be the most attacked, so you know you need to stay on top of vulnerabilities.

Top 9 Code Review Tools for Clean and Secure Source Code

Shifting left quality and security testing has finally become a practice that organizations are embracing. But even before testing the code comes code review, beginning at the earliest stages of development. Code review is essential for detecting and remediating code defects and errors before production, when they are relatively easy and less expensive to address.

Why Patch Management Is Important and How to Get It Right

Many software developers tend to see patch management as another tedious security task that gets in the way of the development process. However, considering Forresters’s recent State of Application Security Report for 2020 predicted that application vulnerabilities will continue to be the most common external attack method, patch management is a critical part of the vulnerability management process that organizations can’t afford to neglect.