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July 2020

Dynamic Application Security Testing: DAST Basics

Application security testing (AST), which are tools that automate the testing, analyzing, and reporting of security vulnerabilities, is an indispensable part of software development. In a modern DevOps framework where security is shifted left, AST should be thought of as compulsory. And this has never been more important when you consider that Forrester reports the most common external attack method continues to be application weaknesses and software vulnerabilities.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Open Source Attribution Reports

Open source components are a major part of the software products we create and use. Along with the many advantages that using open source projects brings to software development organizations, it also comes with obligations and added responsibilities. One of these requirements is open source licensing compliance.

Interactive Application Security Testing: IAST Basics

Because applications and software vulnerabilities are the most common external point of attack, securing applications is a top priority for most organizations. An essential component for reducing this risk is application security testing (AST). In this blog, we focus on interactive application security testing (IAST), the relative newcomer in the AST market.

When's the Right Time for an Open Source Audit?

How much do you really know about your open source usage? Can you identify what open source components you’re using? How about which licenses are in play and whether you’re compliant? Do you have a good sense of how many open source security vulnerabilities are in your code base and how to remediate them? Chances are, if you’re like most organizations, you can’t answer all of these questions.

What Are The Most Secure Programming Languages

Behind every developer is a beloved programming language. In heated debates over which language is the best, the security card will come into play in support of one language or discredit another. We decided to address this debate and put it to the test by researching WhiteSource's comprehensive database. We focused on open source security vulnerabilities in C, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, and C++, to find out which programming languages are most secure, which vulnerability types (CWEs) are most common in each language, and why.