Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2022

What is Red Teaming in Cyber Security? The Complete Guide

Red teaming is the practice of asking a trusted group of individuals to launch an attack on your software or your organization so that you can test how your defenses will hold up in a real-world situation. Any organization reliant on software – including banks, healthcare providers, government institutions, or logistics companies – is potentially vulnerable to cyberattacks, such as ransomware or data exfiltration.

Splunk Indexer Vulnerability: What You Need to Know

A new vulnerability, CVE-2021-342 has been discovered in the Splunk indexer component, which is a commonly utilized part of the Splunk Enterprise suite. We’re going to explain the affected components, the severity of the vulnerability, mitigations you can put in place, and long-term considerations you may wish to make when using Splunk.

We're Making Our Debut In Cybersecurity with Snowbit

2021 was a crazy year, to say the least, not only did we welcome our 2,000th customer, we announced our Series B AND Series C funding rounds, and on top of that, we launched Streamaⓒ – our in-stream data analytics pipeline. But this year, we’re going to top that! We’re eager to share that we are venturing into cybersecurity!

5 Cybersecurity Tools to Safeguard your Business

With the exponential rise in cybercrimes in the last decade, cybersecurity for businesses is no longer an option — it’s a necessity. Fuelled by the forced shift to remote working due to the pandemic, US businesses saw an alarming 50% rise in reported cyber attacks per week from 2020 to 2021. Many companies still use outdated technologies, unclear policies, and understaffed cybersecurity teams to target digital attacks.