Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2021

Coralogix - On Demand Webinar - 2021 Troubleshooting Best Practices

When it comes to troubleshooting, the majority of time spent is usually on finding the issue rather than fixing it. To change this, it’s not enough to store a few metrics - you need to also store context. In this on-demand webinar, we’ll explain the techniques for creating a powerful observability stack, that will not only tell you what is broken, but why it has broken.

DevSecOps vs DevOps: What are the Differences?

The modern technology landscape is ever-changing, with an increasing focus on methodologies and practices. Recently we’re seeing a clash between two of the newer and most popular players: DevOps vs DevSecOps. With new methodologies come new mindsets, approaches, and a change in how organizations run. What’s key for you to know, however, is, are they different? If so, how are they different? And, perhaps most importantly, what does this mean for you and your development team?