Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2022

Best Data Security Podcasts for 2022

The importance of cyber security is increasing rapidly. With an ever-evolving threat landscape, there is a high likelihood that most systems can be vulnerable to some kind of security risk. Therefore, keeping up to date with all the changes happening in the security landscape is crucial for any professional. ‍ However, as busy professionals, researching all these things is not a viable option.

How to Secure Cloud Native Resources with Identity Management

Among the many beneficial changes stemming from the cloud delivery model is the ability for development teams to build and run scalable applications using only cloud infrastructure. This so-called cloud native computing includes containers, single-purpose serverless functions, and microservices for resilient and highly flexible apps.‍ One recent survey found that 97% of IT decision-makers and 96% of developers planned to expand the use of cloud native applications over the coming 12 months.