Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2022

Automating compliance processes with Tines

As organizations strive for more nimble operations through digital transformation, many are taking a hybrid cloud approach. But ensuring proper security and adhering to compliance regulations can prove difficult - especially at scale. Compliance frameworks may shift annually, making the process of achieving and maintaining compliant procedures intensely laborious, with frequent retraining cycles involving significant time and investment.

Compliance is a great starting point for security; it's not the final destination

Compliance is a fundamental baseline for many organizations but doesn’t guarantee security. While there is some overlap, today’s security leaders must recognize the need to go beyond what compliance frameworks call for to achieve an extra layer of protection and peace of mind against potentially devastating breaches. Compliance may set the foundation, but it should never be viewed as providing total protection or proof of a robust security posture.

Expel's Jon Hencinski: How to reduce risk through better security strategy

In this episode of The Future of Security Operations podcast, Thomas speaks with Jon Hencinski, Vice President of SecOps at Expel, a company with "a mission to make security easy to understand, easy to use, and easy to continuously improve." Jon is passionate about getting to the root cause of security issues and using strategy to help organizations eliminate problems.