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October 2022

Upcoming Critical OpenSSL Vulnerability

OpenSSL is the most popular implementation of the TLS protocol (Transport Layer Security) which is essentially the de-facto security protocol of the internet today. The OpenSSL team announced critical security updates of versions above version 3.0 (OpenSSL 3.0 was released on September 7, 2021). The myriad of projects and software depending on OpenSSL must update and release a new version to enable end users to start patching their systems.

Kubescape adds CIS benchmark, boosting security and compliance scanning

Kubescape can now automatically scan Kubernetes clusters against the Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmark, identify compliance gaps, suggest remediations, and monitor for drifts. This feature was born as a direct response to requests we received from Kubescape’s community and we’re excited to launch it. In this version, Kubescape supports CIS Kubernetes V1.23. In the next releases CIS GKE, AKS, and EKS frameworks will be supported as well.

How to validate Kubernetes YAML files?

Kubernetes has taken center stage in how we now manage our containerized applications. As a result, many conventions to define our Kubernetes apps exist, including structures such as YAML, JSON, INI, and more. This leaves us to consider what is the best strategy to follow for our applications. Additionally, we must then also ask how we can validate our application configurations depending on the path we’ve chosen in terms of file structure and especially security.