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July 2022

The New Kubernetes Gateway API and Its Use Cases

Despite being a large open-source and complex project, Kubernetes keeps on evolving at an impressive pace. Being at the center of various platforms and solutions, the biggest challenge for the Kubernetes project is to remain vendor-neutral. This is the reason the community has come up with Kubernetes Gateway API.

How to Secure and Protect Your Kubernetes Cluster?

Kubernetes is the de-facto container management platform of today and the future. It has increased the scalability and flexibility of applications and eliminated vendor lock-in. Kubernetes also brings a lot of security native features; however, with security, the devil is always in the details. By default, the security of cloud services, applications, and infrastructure is not in the scope of Kubernetes. This does not mean that running Kubernetes is destructive and makes your applications vulnerable.

How to Deploy Pods in Kubernetes?

Kubernetes leverages various deployment objects to simplify the provisioning of resources and configuration of workloads running in containers. These objects include ReplicaSets, lSets, Sets, and Deployments. A pod is the smallest deployment unit in Kubernetes that usually represents one instance of the containerized application.

Kubescape: A Kubernetes open-source platfrom providing a multi-cloud Kubernetes single pane of glass

Kubescape is a Kubernetes open-source platform providing a multi-cloud K8s single pane of glass, including risk analysis, security compliance, RBAC visualizer, and image vulnerabilities scanning.