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April 2022

ARMO raises $30M for the first open-source Kubernetes security platform

ARMO's Kubescape is an open, transparent, single pane of glass for Kubernetes security, used by tens of thousands Tel Aviv - April 27, 2022 - ARMO, creators of the fast-growing Kubernetes open-source security project Kubescape, today announced $30M in funding for the first end-to-end open source Kubernetes security platform.

Kubernetes Version 1.24: Everything You Should Know

The first Kubernetes release of 2022 will be released on May 3rd. The new release, version 1.24, is full of enhancements, new features, and bug fixes. We’ve written this post so you can adjust your Kubernetes resources, update infrastructure, and smoothly migrate to the new version. We’ve also grouped the changes with their respective Special Interest Groups (SIGs), so that you can focus on the interrelated topics at once.

How to Secure Deployments in Kubernetes?

Security is crucial ‌for containerized applications that run on a shared infrastructure. With more and more organizations moving their container workloads to Kubernetes, K8s has become the go-to platform for container orchestration. And with this trend comes a growing number of ‌threats and new ways of attack that necessitate strengthening all layers of security. In Kubernetes, there are two aspects to security: cluster security and application security.

Kubescape March 2022 version - what is new and what is improved

The ARMO Kubescape team has been busy lately… we have several new and improved features for you that we are very excited about. Based on the feedback and ideas we got from the amazing community, we worked hard to enhance Kubescape with better and deeper scanning capabilities, UI improvements, and a more friendly CLI version. We invite everyone to shape the Kubescape roadmap by giving us feedback and suggestions using git, discord, or mail.