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July 2021

Which Managed Kubernetes Is Right for Me?

Kubernetes helps with scaling, deploying, and managing containerized workloads, facilitating a faster deployment cycle and configuration management—all while providing improved access control.Kubernetes is also a CNCF project, meaning it’s cloud-native and can be easily deployed through any cloud provider. This blog will compare on-premises, or self-hosted,Kubernetes clusters to managed ones, as well as outline your options for Kubernetes in the cloud.

Advanced Kubernetes Pod to Node Scheduling

In Kubernetes, the task of scheduling pods to specific nodes in the cluster is handled by the kube-scheduler. The default behavior of this component is to filter nodes based on the resource requests and limits of each container in the created pod. Feasible nodes are then scored to find the best candidate for the pod placement. In many scenarios, scheduling pods based on resource constraints is a desired behavior.

Networking with a Service Mesh: Use Cases, Best Practices, and Comparison of Top Mesh Options

Service mesh technology emerged with the popularization of microservice architectures. Because service mesh facilitates the separation of networking from the business logic, it enables you to focus on your application’s core competency. Microservice applications are distributed over multiple servers, data centers, or continents, making them highly network dependent.