Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2023

Security with a High Engineer-to-AppSec Ratio: Insights from Jeevan Singh

Navigating the delicate balance between an expanding number of engineers and the imperative for robust Application Security (AppSec) practices is no small feat. In this interview, we delve into the invaluable perspective of Jeevan Singh, the Director of Security Engineering at Rippling, the #1 workforce management platform. He shares insights and strategies that have allowed him in his career to successfully navigate the intricate maze of security amidst a high engineer-to-AppSec ratio.

Introducing Bearer Assistant

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic these days, especially across the security industry. There's hardly a day when we don't read about its potential to create an impact on our lives, for better or worse. As a security company, we truly believe in the potential of AI, but we didn't want to jump into the deep end without careful consideration as we followed the buzz with a healthy amount of skepticism.