Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2023

Elastic Security 8.7 helps security practitioners eliminate alert fatigue, drive MTTR lower, and better secure cloud environments

Elastic Security 8.7 helps security practitioners eliminate alert fatigue, reduce MTTR, and better secure cloud environments through integrated SIEM, cloud security, and endpoint security. This release includes the following new features that bring efficacy and efficiency to the modern security operations center (SOC): Security operations centers use SIEM, EDR, and cloud security solutions to detect malicious activity by analyzing their security-related events and information. . .

Demystifying SIEM migration: Pitfalls to avoid and tips for ensuring success

Migrating to a new security information and event management (SIEM) solution can feel like a daunting task, like moving to a new house. Over the years, a lot gets accumulated and sometimes is forgotten until found in a corner. This blog identifies steps you can take to reduce the pain typically associated with a migration, tools that can help along the way, and questions you should ask during each phase of a migration.