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December 2020

Lessons to Learn from the Latest Business Email Compromise Scam and AZORult Stealer

Ever heard of AZORult? Sounds like some nerdy stuff. I am not gonna lie, it slightly is! It is a trojan that steals various data including login credentials, browser history, cookies, and more. The history of AZORult is well known by those in the cyber security industry. AZORult was initially discovered back in 2016. As the years passed, we saw some of its ongoing malicious attacks.

Dealing with False Positive Breaches in Universal Audit Log Search in Office 365

Modern cyber security threats have today mutated into a new class that is immune to detection and prevention solutions offered by the security industry. We are looking at this new generation of hackers that master zero-day exploits, credential thefts, fake identities, and developing stealthy malware. These threats have kept the security personnel on their toes, figuring out what the next attack would look like. One of these challenges includes identifying false positive and false negative alerts.

How to Choose a Credible Cloud Security Software Vendor

There is no shortage of IT cloud software services out there for businesses to choose from. Regardless of their business needs you can be sure there will be a myriad of solutions. Instead of a few grand does-it-all services, IT has become a swarm of inter-playing, inter-operating, and interconnecting services. It’s no surprise that services like zapier and IFTTT are thriving in this ecosystem where they can become the glue and automate the gap between them. The future is surely bright.