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December 2020

CISO Insider S1E2 - "You have unlimited questions left" with Ty Sbano, Part 2

At Nightfall, we believe in the power of learning from those who have done it before. That’s why we created CISO Insider — a podcast interview series that features CISOs and security executives with a broad set of backgrounds, from hyper-growth startups to established enterprises. Through these interviews, we’ll learn how industry experts overcame obstacles, navigated their infosec careers, and created an impact in their organizations.

CISO Insider S1E1 - "Cybersecurity is a mindset" with Ty Sbano, Part 1

At Nightfall, we believe in the power of learning from those who have done it before. That’s why we created CISO Insider — a podcast interview series that features CISOs and security executives with a broad set of backgrounds, from hyper-growth startups to established enterprises. Through these interviews, we’ll learn how industry experts overcame obstacles, navigated their infosec careers, and created an impact in their organizations.

Why Third-Party Risk on Google Drive Should Be a #1 Concern

Sharing Google Workspace files with clients and partners feels like a normal part of doing business – especially as so many companies move to remote work. However, each time you share a file with someone outside of your organization, you increase what’s known as third-party risk. Third-party risk can open your business up to all types of internet security breaches, including IP theft, phishing attacks, malware, and data exfiltration.

3 Critical Lessons from 2020's Largest GitHub Leaks

2020 has been a very challenging year for teams and organizations across the world. This has been especially true for security teams, who’ve been responsible for managing the technological risks associated with their organization’s response to the pandemic. With security teams focused on mitigating the seismic impacts that the pandemic has had on their organization’s infrastructure, some of the security problems that emerged before the pandemic have been overlooked.