Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2023

Cybernews Expert Interview with Tigera President and CEO, Ratan Tipirneni

The challenges companies face regarding private and professional data protection are more important today than ever. In the modern enterprise, cloud computing and the use of cloud-native architectures enable unmatched performance, flexibility, velocity, and innovation. However, as digitalization pushes applications and services to the cloud, cyber criminals’ intrusion techniques have become increasingly sophisticated.

Preventing Vulnerable Container Deployments with Admission Control

In a previous blog post, Hands-on guide: How to scan and block container images to mitigate SBOM attacks, we looked at how Software Supply Chain threats can be identified and assessed. The severity of these vulnerabilities determine the posture or scan result for an image i.e. Pass, Warning or Fail. The next question is “What can we do with these results?”.

Implementing workload-centric Web Application Firewall (WAF) using Calico

Microservices security is a growing concern for businesses in the face of increasing cyber threats. With application layer attacks being a leading cause of breaches, it’s more important than ever to safeguard the HTTP-based communication between microservices within a Kubernetes cluster. Traditional web application firewalls (WAFs) are not designed to address this specific challenge, but Calico WAF offers a unique solution.

Build and secure multi-cluster CockroachDB using the Calico clustermesh: A step-by-step guide

With the rapid adoption of Kubernetes in organizations and the push to standardize the orchestration of resources with this approach, databases are now also being deployed into Kubernetes. Historically, persistent workloads like databases were not recommended for their deployment into Kuberntes as it was complex to manage how data would be stored. This was a result of Kubertnes originally being designed for non persistent microservice architectures.

Audit and Compliance with Calico

In this blog post, I will be talking about audit and compliance and how to implement it with Calico. Most IT organizations are asked to meet some standard of compliance, whether internal or industry-specific. However organizations are not always provided with the guidance to implement it. Furthermore, when guidance has been provided, it is usually applicable to a more traditional and static environment and doesn’t address the dynamic nature of Kubernetes.