Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2022

Zero trust for cloud-native workloads: Mitigating future Log4j incidents

In my previous blog, I introduced the brief history of zero trust, the core pillars of a zero-trust model, and how to build a zero-trust model for cloud-native workloads. In this blog, you will learn how Calico can help mitigate vulnerabilities such as the recent zero-day Log4j vulnerability with its zero-trust workload security approach.

Securing cloud workloads in 5 easy steps

As organizations transition from monolithic services in traditional data centers to microservices architecture in a public cloud, security becomes a bottleneck and causes delays in achieving business goals. Traditional security paradigms based on perimeter-driven firewalls do not scale for communication between workloads within the cluster and 3rd-party APIs outside the cluster.

What's new in Calico Enterprise 3.14: WAF, Calico CNI on AKS, and support for RKE2

At Tigera, we strive to innovate at every opportunity thrown at us and deliver what you need! We have listened to what users ask and today we are excited to announce the early preview of Calico Enterprise 3.14. From new capabilities to product supportability and extending partnerships with our trusted partners, let’s take a look at some of the new features in this release.