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January 2022

Why cloud native requires a holistic approach to security and observability

Like any great technology, the interest in and adoption of Kubernetes (an excellent way to orchestrate your workloads, by the way) took off as cloud native and containerization grew in popularity. With that came a lot of confusion. Everyone was using Kubernetes to move their workloads, but as they went through their journey to deployment, they weren’t thinking about security until they got to production.

Extending Panorama's firewall address groups into your Kubernetes cluster using Calico NetworkSets

When deploying cloud-native applications to a hybrid and multi-cloud environment that is protected by traditional perimeter-based firewalls, such as Palo Alto Networks (PAN) Panorama, you need to work within the confines of your existing IT security architecture. For applications that communicate with external resources outside the Kubernetes cluster, a traditional firewall is typically going to be part of that communication.