Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2022

The evidence bank: leveraging security's most valuable asset

Evidence is the currency cyber defenders use to pay down security debt, balancing the value equation between adversaries and the enterprise. Defenders can use evidence proactively, identifying and protecting structural risks within our zone of control. Evidence can also be used reactively by supporting detection (re)engineering, response, and recovery activities, guiding us back to identifying and protecting structural risks.

Enhanced Network Evidence for the Modern SOC

Security leaders protect their businesses by using analytics and insights to understand security needs, attack surfaces, and trends. Every company from ‘big box’ travel sites to powerhouse car manufacturers needs to optimize their SOCs, retain talent, and expand business opportunities securely.

Enriching NDR logs with context

In this post, we show how enriching Zeek® logs with cloud and container context makes it much faster to tie interesting activity to the container or cloud asset involved.In cloud or container environments, layer 3 networking is abstracted away from the higher-level tasks of running workloads or presenting data. Because of this abstraction, when Zeek logs are collected for cloud or container network environments, the attribution of a network flow to actual workload or application is difficult.