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October 2020

When Old News is More Dangerous than Fake News: Vulnerability Scan Blind Spots

Out of all the cat videos you could watch, how do you decide which one to view first? The beauty of social media is its real-time, democratic operation. Everyone gets to vote and the content with the most shares is the People’s Choice, rightfully ‘The Best’. But we now know this Facebook-era notion of ‘most popular equals best’ is open to abuse. It turns out that a significant proportion of social media interaction is in fact, manufactured.

5 Key Processes & Controls to Maximize Cybersecurity Effectiveness

As of late, cybersecurity has come to the forefront of the I.T. Industry, and is one of the key functions of any organization. This article will discuss 5 key processes and potential controls you should implement in order to maximize the effectiveness of your cybersecurity efforts, leading to an all-around secure environment.

Change Management's 'Dirty Little Secret'

Change Management is blind. It is a key IT Service Management process and, undeniably, it's beneficial to plan and schedule changes. But Change Management’s ‘dirty little secret’ is that, despite the comfort blanket of documentation and approvals, you never know what’s really going on. You have no idea what was actually changed, either during the Change Window or at any other time.