Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2022

Your Network Data Is Gold - Uncover It Faster With Forward Networks' NQE

Your network, security, and cloud teams spend a lot of time and energy trying to extract timely insights from your enterprise network data, so your organization stays on top of risks and continually improves network performance. But what if they could quickly search your network environment like a database to better understand everything in it — and whether those objects were operating as they should?

Integrate Arista CloudVision with Forward Enterprise to Automate Network and Security Verification

Network automation has many benefits for organizations adopting a DevOps model for managing their infrastructure, including speed, agility, and a consistent change control process. However, with improvements in speed, there comes an added risk of configuration errors rapidly propagating through the network. To safeguard against potential mistakes, network and security verification become an essential part of the network DevOps lifecycle.