Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2020

It's Data Privacy Day Today...and Every Day

Today is Data Privacy Day, an event sponsored by the National Cyber Security Alliance. The intent is to promote awareness and best practices for how citizens should think about security and how it relates to their data, their organizations, and ultimately, our nation. At a time when we transact with all manner of data in so many form factors, we are inclined to overlook the importance of measures that keep our data and content safe.

How Egnyte Uses AWS to Create An Innovative Approach to Storage, Collaboration, Security and Compliance

The life sciences industry is undergoing major transitions. Pharma, biotech, and medical device companies generate more data than ever and require higher processing power for clinical trials, gene sequencing and more. Many life sciences organizations are transitioning legacy technology stacks to the cloud, which promises the ability to accelerate processes, mobile collaboration, and strong security. To further complicate matters, there is increasing pressure to maintain regulatory compliance.