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May 2018

Find it Your Way

We’re focused on empowering our end users to locate the content they need, fast. Businesses leverage Egnyte because we fit so seamlessly into day-to-day operations. File access, security management, and permissions control are as important to us as they are to the organizations we serve. We strive to ensure our users can find any file in just three clicks (or taps for mobile) and this blog highlights some of the ways in which we make this possible.

Ax: Query Logs with Confidence

Modern log aggregation stacks including ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), Google’s Stackdriver, or AWS Cloudwatch are great tools, but their browser-based interfaces are not for everybody. At Egnyte, we rely heavily on logs to monitor our systems and solve customer issues. Therefore, many of our engineers depend on Kibana, the ELK browser-based query tool.