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August 2022

What is doxing, and how do you protect yourself from it?

If you’ve spent a lot of time on the internet, you’ve probably heard the term “doxing” before. You may know that it has something to do with online bullying, harassment, and crime, but still have questions about exactly what it means. If so, you’re not alone. Here, we’re going to explain what doxing is, how it works, and how you can protect your sensitive data.

1Password Developer Fireside Chat: Demystifying Atomics

Join 1Password senior developer, Nathan West, as he demystifies atomics – the primitive rules for safely interacting with shared memory from multiple threads. Nathan shows that, while complex, atomic code really is possible to understand. He discusses the C11 memory model, atomic and nonatomic operations, and memory orderings. Nathan also provides insight and clarification on the often-confusing concept of each thread having an independent view of the memory.

Introducing 1Password 8 for iOS and Android

1Password has been rebuilt from the ground up for iOS and Android. It's everything you need for a worry-free digital life on the go. Make it yours with a customizable home screen. Stay in the know with the Watchtower dashboard. 1Password for iOS and Android is all-new with a fresh, modern design and the most personal experience we’ve ever built for mobile.

Say hello to 1Password 8 for iOS and Android

Sometimes I forget to marvel at what we, as an industry, have built in the past 30 years. I have this little device in my pocket, and a slightly larger version on my nightstand. With either one, I can video chat with a friend in the UK, access my medical records, or check in for a vet appointment. I can track my workouts or reserve a table at my favorite restaurant.