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August 2023

Protecting And Recovering Cloud Load Balancers

Unlike other cloud providers that offer their own closed source backup services, AWS EKS simply recommends using open source tool, Velero. However, as one of the first companies to fully integrate with AWS EKS, CloudCasa saw a gap in the market, enabling users to still leverage the power of open source with Velero while offering a SaaS management solution for enterprises that aimed to simplify the backup process.

How to Back up and Restore AWS Elastic Load Balancers for EKS Clusters

Load balancers are an integral component of any production environment. They allow the distribution of traffic across multiple available backend servers so that no single server becomes overwhelmed due to traffic. A load balancer can be configured for workloads running on AWS through the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) service. At a high level, an ELB consists of 3 main components: AWS offers 3 different types of Elastic Load Balancers.

How to Restore Velero Backup Data Without Velero

Velero is the most popular tool for backing up and restoring Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes. However, there may be situations where you need to restore Velero backup data without using Velero itself. For example, if Velero is not installed and configured correctly, or if more fine-grained restore control is required. In this post, we will explore how to do this when either Restic or Kopia was used by Velero to store the persistent volume (PV) data.