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September 2022

Top Five Reasons To Use CloudCasa With Azure

CloudCasa by Catalogic announced the integration with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) at KubeCon in Valencia and it has so far received positive feedback from customers. In this episode of TFiR Let’s Talk, Swapnil Bhartiya sits down with Sathya Sankaran, Founder and General Manager, CloudCasa by Catalogic and Sebastian Głąb, CloudCasa Architect, as they give a demo and explain the key reasons to use CloudCasa to protect AKS Applications.

Free and Protect Kubernetes Data with CloudCasa and Ondat

The adoption of Kubernetes and its ecosystem has continued its rapid growth, with over 5.1 million developers worldwide now using Kubernetes. Developers are adopting and utilizing Kubernetes to manage containerized workloads and services. Kubernetes has many benefits for organizations and developers including auto scaling, automated deployment and rollback, self-healing, loading balancing and application centricity.

Backup-as-a-Service using Ondat Snapshots with Cloudcasa

Kubernetes has challenges in managing storage, working out how to make persistent volumes ready for high-scale production workloads, and ensuring the data in those persistent volumes is protected. Watch this short video to see how CloudCasa and Ondat help you free your data and migrate workloads between Kubernetes providers. With a simple snapshot, backup and restore, you are ready to use Kubernetes to deliver the next generation of data intensive solutions for your business.