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March 2022

How CloudCasa Helps Organizations Address Data Protection Weaknesses in Kubernetes

In a recent episode of TFiR Let’s Talk, Swapnil Bhartiya sat down with Sathya Sankaran, Chief Operating Officer at CloudCasa by Catalogic, to discuss how the Kubernetes ecosystem is shifting and how CloudCasa is helping organizations address the data protection weaknesses in Kubernetes and cloud-native infrastructure and adopt these new technologies.

Cross-Account and Cross-Cluster Restore of Kubernetes Demonstrated on Amazon EKS

Cross-Account and Cross-Cluster Restore of Kubernetes Applications Using CloudCasa on Amazon EKS. Users can now browse and map the available storage classes in the source and destination cluster across different AWS accounts and different Cloud Providers such as AKS, GKE, DO, IBM Cloud etc.

Cross-Account and Cross-Cluster Restore of Kubernetes Applications

Cross-Account and Cross-Cluster Restore of Kubernetes Applications Using CloudCasa. Users can now browse and map the available storage classes in the source and destination cluster when restoring. When performing cross-account Kubernetes restores in AWS, the system will now automatically handle changing volume IDs for PVs. Additionally, when creating an EKS cluster on restore, CloudCasa now allows customization of the IAM role, security group, VPC group etc. to be used in the new account.