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November 2021

Three-Body Problem for Policy: Policy, Data and Software

In the early days of Styra when we were creating Open Policy Agent (OPA), we had a singular goal in mind: help engineers enforce any policy over any piece of software. We wanted people to be able to write any policy they’d like, whether it be about complex resources managed by Kubernetes or public cloud, APIs routed through gateways or service meshes, data stored in relational or document databases, application deployments controlled by CICD pipelines, and so on.

Cyber Monday: Three Critical Cloud Components for Retail Vendors

As we embark on another holiday season in the United States, we are being told to start our holiday shopping even earlier this year to avoid some of the delays in shipping. These slowdowns stem from a number of factors, including container shortages, Covid-19 outbreaks that backlogged ports, and a dearth of truck drivers and warehouse workers. Even without the shortages and slowdowns, retailers are in for a long holiday season ahead of them as sales are predicted to grow by 7% this holiday season.

Why Portability is Key to Better Productivity and Security

Least hot take of all time: Interruptions and rework are the worst. The modern dev pipeline is purpose-built to make collaboration easier and allow individuals and teams to work together to contribute to regular code pushes. This of course means lots of invention, feedback, creativity and iteration, all of which work best when they can be the point of current focus.