Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2023

Network Penetration Testing Methodology

The vastness of the online realm offers endless possibilities for advancement in any industry. With just a few clicks, one can engage in commerce, establish a virtual hub for their services, leverage cloud technology, advertise on a massive scale, and so much more. However, we must also be cautious of its darker side - the looming risk of cyber attacks. Cyber attackers are always lurking, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Don't wait for them to pounce and cause you massive losses!

Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in Indonesia - iOS & Android

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region, including countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, is the fastest-growing digital market in the world. Mobile applications have become increasingly integrated into daily life in terms of financial transactions, eCommerce, healthcare avenues, and service deliveries. That being said, Southeast Asian countries are witnessing a high surge in cybersecurity attacks on mobile applications.