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March 2023

Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in Mexico - iOS & Android

Mexico is a budding market for mobile apps. The total revenue generated by mobile apps is expected to surpass $2100 million by 2027 from just $1500 million in 2022. So, if you're an app developer and thinking of launching a secure mobile app in Mexico, you're making the right decision. However, it's not as easy as you may think. Navigating Mexican data privacy regulations can be challenging, but it's critical to ensure that personal information stays secure and is not misused.

Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in the United States - iOS & Android

Over 4 million mobile apps (Android and iOS combined) are available to download. A majority of those apps store and process confidential user information such as contact number, email, age, gender, banking details, etc. No wonder mobile apps are one of the most lucrative and sought-after targets for hackers, and app fraud volumes are expected to double by 2026.

Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in the United Kingdom - iOS & Android

Mobile apps have made our lives a lot easier. From ordering food, watching movies, booking a cab, and sending money, one can do everything via mobile apps. However, while mobile apps are a great utility, they've become an easy target for scammers, hackers, and cyber attackers, especially in countries like the UK. Taking charge of the situation, the UK government has created strict guidelines for enhancing the security of mobile apps.

How To Prevent a CSRF Attack

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks are a form of cyberattack from malicious websites, emails, blogs, instant messages, or applications. This type of attack tricks the user's web browser into executing an unwanted action on a secure website. Browsers typically attach session cookies when making a request to a website. Thus, it becomes difficult for the site to differentiate between legitimate requests that are authorized and forged requests that have been authenticated.

These New Smart Phone Regulations by the Government of India Can Save You From Cyber Frauds

India has recently announced plans to introduce new security testing for smartphones to improve the security of its citizens' personal information and prevent cyber threats from compromising sensitive data. The move comes in response to concerns about the increasing reliance on smartphones in India, which has made the country vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches.

How to Choose the Right Pentester: A Comprehensive Guide

Penetration testing is, perhaps, the most effective method to make your web and mobile app more resilient to attacks. No wonder penetration testing is expected to become a $4.5 billion industry by 2025. While penetration testing is powerful, finding the right Pentester can be tiring. And if you end up hiring the wrong individual/company, you might risk your app's security even further. However, we got you covered.

How to Identify And Prevent ARP Poisoning or Spoofing Attacks

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) acts as a vital bridge between the world of IP addresses and MAC addresses, allowing devices on local area networks to seek out each other's physical address based solely on their IP. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) can also be defined as a communication protocol used to map a network layer address (such as an IP address) to a link layer address (such as a MAC address).