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What's new at New Dashboard, Log Collections & Built-in Anomalies Detection

Note: We sent this monthly newsletter on July 7th 2020. Subscribe below to get this newsletter in your inbox. Today, we are releasing major updates to Bearer. They include a new dashboard, a rebuilt navigation, and improvements to many of our existing features. Each improvement has been designed based on your feedback and with your developer experience (DX) in mind. Here’s a short overview.

Rebuilding our API Call Logging Feature from Scratch

Bearer is shedding its winter coat. As we stayed safe at home during the COVID-19 crisis, it gave us the opportunity to think about our vision for the API Monitoring industry. Today, we are releasing a brand-new dashboard, a rebuilt navigation, and improvements to many of our existing features. But one change is quite big, as it is changing one of the core features of our product. We have completely rebuilt the way API call logs are managed in Bearer.

How Rust Lets Us Monitor 30k API calls/min

At Bearer, we are a polyglot engineering team. Both in spoken languages and programming languages. Our stack is made up of services written in Node.js, Ruby, Elixir, and a handful of others in addition to all the languages our agent library supports. Like most teams, we balance using the right tool for the job with using the right tool for the time. Recently, we reached a limitation in one of our services that led us to transition that service from Node.js to Rust.

Can API Governance Help with Third-party APIs?

APIs are everywhere within your organization. Many may be internal, but we’re willing to bet there are many third-party web services and APIs that your business depends on too. Keeping track of them all, and ensuring that your team chooses the best APIs for their needs can be a challenge. In some cases, your organization may be using an API they don’t even know about. The solution to this “web of APIs” is to apply the concept of API governance to your API dependencies.

How to Listen for Webhooks with Python

Webhooks run a large portion of the "magic" that happens between applications. They are sometimes called reverse APIs, callbacks, and even notifications. Many services, such as SendGrid, Stripe, Slack, and GitHub use events to send webhooks as part of their API. This allows your application to listen for events and perform actions when they happen. In a previous article, we looked at how to consume webhooks with Node.js and Express.

Machine Learning APIs for Web Developers

Machine learning (ML) used to be a tool limited to specialized developers and dedicated teams. Now, thanks to many web service providers and approachable tooling, your applications can use pre-build learning models and machine learning techniques the same way you would use any web service API. This is a quick way to test out and benefit from machine learning without having to invest in artificial intelligence, building your own learning models, or shaping your application around ML.

Introducing remediations, Python support and more...

Note: This is Bearer's monthly newsletter. Subscribe below to get it in your inbox. I hope you are doing well with this never-seen-before-worldwide-lockdown. The whole Bearer team is locked down as well, but still improving your beloved product! We have a lot of updates and awesome new features for you to explore today. Here is a short overview to get you started!