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Unraveling the Tactics and Impacts of Account Takeover Fraud

It’s the third day of your long-awaited vacation. While relaxing at the beach, you hear a not particularly welcome chime on your phone (because who takes a vacation from their phone), indicating a new email notification. Your bank notifies you that a significant transaction has been made on your account― a purchase you immediately realize you didn’t authorize. Your heart pounds as you log into your banking app only to find your account empty.

ATM Transaction Reversal Fraud: Strategies to Safeguard Your Finances

Picture a quaint, small town enveloped in the tranquility of a peaceful night. The only signs of life are flickering street lamps and the glow from the neighborhood automated teller machine (ATM). You spot someone approach the ATM, withdraw cash and walk away. It all looks so normal. What you don’t realize is that you have just witnessed a fraud attack, specifically, transaction reversal fraud (TRF).

Unraveling ATM Transaction Reversal Fraud: Strategies to Safeguard Your Finances

Picture a quaint, small town enveloped in the tranquility of a peaceful night. The only signs of life are flickering street lamps and the glow from the neighborhood automated teller machine (ATM). You spot someone approach the ATM, withdraw cash and walk away. It all looks so normal. What you don’t realize is that you have just witnessed a fraud attack, specifically, transaction reversal fraud (TRF).

Don't Let Chargeback Fraud Ruin Your Bottom Line

It’s a typical Monday morning. You’ve just brewed a comforting cup of tea and are about to dive into the weekend sales reports for your online store. As usual, business seems to be booming until a glaring anomaly catches your eye – an alarmingly high number of transaction reversals over the weekend. A sense of unease creeps in as you probe deeper, only to uncover a chilling truth. Your business has become the latest prey to an insidious form of fraud, chargeback fraud.

INETCO Named a Finalist in the 2023 Technology Impact Awards

VANCOUVER, B.C. June 15, 2023 – BC Tech is proud to announce the finalists across 9 Technology Impact Award categories who achieved exceptional success in the past year. As BC Tech celebrates the 30th Anniversary of the Technology Impact Awards, this year’s awards celebrates 30 years of innovation in BC.

Guarding Your Transactions: Tackling Rogue Payment Terminals for Payment Acquirers

You’re in your favorite coffee shop, which you’ve frequented for years. The barista knows your order by heart – a medium, iced, sugar-free vanilla latte with soy milk. As you pay for your coffee, you casually chat with the staff about the weather, completely oblivious that you’ve just been the victim of fraud.

The Future of Transactions: Understanding Secure Subscription Payment Systems

In the age of digital commerce, subscription payment systems have gained significant traction, marking a shift in how businesses manage transactions. These systems not only provide convenience but are also pivotal in ensuring secure, seamless payments. This guide takes an in-depth look into secure subscription payment systems, focusing on their benefits, the technology behind their security, the rise of subscription models, and their role in the future of transactions.

INETCO's Ali Solehdin Talks EBT Fraud Prevention and AI with The Center Square

Scott McClallen – Staff Reporter – The Center Square (The Center Square) – Nationwide, electronic benefits transfer fraud is estimated to cost taxpayers up to $4.7 billion annually, according to the Government Accountability Office. In 2022, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program distributed over $113.7 billion to nearly 22 million households. The federal government entrusts states to reduce fraud in safety net programs. In March, the U.S.

How to Keep Customers Happy by Reducing False Declines

For many financial institutions and retail businesses, there is a need to balance the risks associated with payment fraud and advanced persistent threats against the economic imperative to provide excellent customer experiences in a competitive market. When good users are mistakenly flagged as fraudsters and can’t access payment services, customers get angry and brands lose revenue. These false declines result in lost customers, damaged reputation and lower revenue.

FTC accuses payments firm of knowingly assisting tech support scammers

Multinational payment processing firm Nexway has been rapped across the knuckles by the US authorities, who claim that the firm knowingly processed fraudulent credit card payments on behalf of tech support scammers. A Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaint argues that Nexway and its subsidiaries broke the law by helping scammers cheat money from unsuspecting consumers.