Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


How Healthcare Organizations can Secure Massive Unstructured File Data using Rubrik

The digitization of healthcare has caused an unrelenting growth trend in unstructured data, with no slowdown in sight. Patient records, lab tests, PACS imaging, and research data are now stored electronically and as the amount of healthcare data continues to skyrocket, so do data vulnerability and security risks.

Royal Flying Doctor Service Queensland Protects The Crown Jewels of Patient & Aviation Data

Royal Flying Doctors Service Queensland has protected business-critical data and ensured its life-saving operations are available 24/7 with Rubrik. As both a healthcare and aviation organisation, it needed to ensure sensitive patient data and key aviation data were protected from the increasing threat of ransomware targeting the healthcare sector.

How Rubrik Supports the NIST Cybersecurity Framework Profile for Ransomware Risk Management

Rubrik was built on a foundation of Zero Trust architecture. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a United States federal agency that works with organizations of all sizes to help them implement cybersecurity best practices.

A System Integrator's Guide to Delivering Zero Trust Data Security with Rubrik

The volume and frequency of ransomware attacks have increased significantly this past year. In fact, the number of ransomware attacks has nearly doubled in 2021 as compared to 2020. The impact of a breach is multi-fold and stretches well beyond the commonly acknowledged risks of downtime cost, impact on the brand, and the actual ransom paid. This has prompted a paradigm shift in how organizations and system integrators look at their cybersecurity strategy.

NJ TRANSIT Protects the Garden State passengers' economic and social well-being from cyber threats

NJ Transit, the nation's third-largest public transportation provider, delivered more than a quarter of a billion annual passenger trips before the pandemic and is responsible for its riders’ safety, mobility, and livelihoods every day. To ensure nothing interrupts the business, NJ TRANSIT, in partnership with Rubrik, prioritizes a strong data security strategy and is committed to the ongoing and necessary work that gives their data resilience and helps to reduce risk as they face ever-evolving, and inevitable, cyber threats.

Make Account Compromise a Non-Issue: Introducing Immutability for Microsoft Azure VMs

Author Brian Mislavsky Rubrik Storage Tiering for Microsoft Azure now leverages Azure Blob immutability by default. In our Winter Release, we introduced Storage Tiering for Microsoft Azure as a way for Rubrik customers to further protect workloads in Microsoft Azure by enabling the ability to logically air gap data between Azure Subscriptions as well as potentially decrease long term storage costs by almost 40%.

Worried about ransomware? Start with a plan

You don’t need me to tell you what a ransomware attack could do to your business. We’ve all read the stories. Even the largest multinationals have been crippled by malware encrypting or stealing sensitive data. The result is a Hobson’s choice for IT managers: pay the criminal gang an exorbitant ransom demand or face costly downtime, reputational damage, and regulatory scrutiny. Thankfully, your fate is in your hands. Ransomware attacks aren’t random.

Take a Look Into the Rubrik Platform

Rubrik offers Zero Trust Data Security solutions to our customers globally so they can prepare for cyber threats like ransomware. As cybersecurity attacks continue to grow in volume and sophistication, solutions like Rubrik are vital for business continuity so that you can know when you are attacked, what data was impacted, quarantine the attack, and recover a clean copy of your data from an immutable backup.

What Does Defense-in-depth Mean and How Does it Bring Infrastructure and Data Security Together?

With the rise of ransomware and cyber attacks, the term defense-in-depth has risen to the forefront, but what exactly does it mean? At its core, defense-in-depth is a protection mechanism for network security–an approach that involves layering or using multiple controls in series to protect against possible threats. This layered concept provides multiple redundancies in the event systems and data are compromised.

Monitoring Data Risks & Investigating Threats Faster With the Rubrik Data Observability Engine

Why is it that the most impressive technologies are often the ones that go unnoticed? Sometimes what makes technology impressive is precisely that it goes unnoticed, and that is the case with the Rubrik Data Observability engine. As ransomware continues to grow as a real, costly, and persistent threat to conducting business, organizations are looking for smarter and faster ways to keep data safe and recover easily in the face of cyber attacks.