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HTML File Attachments: Still A Threat

This past month, Trustwave SpiderLabs observed that HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) file attachments had become a common occurrence in our spam traps, which is not unusual since malware is often delivered through phishing spam. For the past 30 days, SpiderLabs has found the combination of.HTML (11.39%) and.HTM (2.7%) files are our second most spammed file attachment, totalling 14.09%, followed by.EXE files at 12.84%.

Post-Exploitation Persistent Email Forwarder in Outlook Desktop

There is an exploitation method that can automatically forward emails CC’d to external addresses via an Outlook Desktop rule, even when this action is prevented on the corporate Exchange server. This can be a serious data exfiltration risk allowing post-exploitation persistence in a previously breached account. The legitimate email account owner is highly likely to be unaware of the creation of this rule.

Through the Looking Glass of Risk: An Analysis of the SOCI Reforms as a Case Study for critical Infrastructure Security Regulation

This blog examines some interesting aspects of the recent reforms to Australia's Security of Critical Infrastructure Act - specifically related to the new risk management obligations that have been introduced. We'll unpack some of the ambiguities that exist and remain to be clarified in this specific area of the reforms.

Trustwave Action Response: Zero Day Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, 2016, and 2019

Trustwave security teams are aware of two zero-day vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-41040 and CVE-2022-41082) impacting Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, 2016, and 2019 and organizations with Outlook Web Access facing the Internet. If exploited, the vulnerabilities can allow an attacker to elevate privilege and remote code execution capability. We immediately investigated the vulnerabilities and potential exploits and continue to monitor the situation.

Trustwave Secures Fourth Gold Competency in the Microsoft Partner Network

Trustwave announced today that it has attained Gold competency in security in the Microsoft Partner Network, a mark reached by only 1% of all Microsoft partners. This certification, awarded upon rigorous review of technical certifications and innovative solutions, represents Microsoft’s highest level of partner recognition for aligning technical expertise to customer needs.

Trustwave Recognized in Gartner 2022 Market Guide for Managed SIEM Services

Trustwave, a leading provider of Managed Security Services, has been named a Representative Vendor in the Gartner® 2022 Market Guide for Managed SIEM Services. In the report, Gartner analysts Al Price, John Collins, Andrew Davies, Mitchell Schneider, and Angel Berrios provide an updated definition of Managed SIEM Services along with how Managed SIEM, which is also known as a managed SoC or SoC as a service.

Compliance: The False Sense of Security

I know many will read this title and think that I am crazy. If I am compliant with NIST, HIPAA, ISO, PCI, etc., then I am running a secure network. And to a point that is true. But let’s look at it this way. If you are driving down the interstate at the posted speed limit and are keeping three car lengths between the driver in front of you, are you truly safe and secure on the interstate?