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Cloud Application Security: What Every Organization Needs to Know About Protecting Data in SaaS Apps

The rise of hybrid work has accelerated digital transformation for organizations of all sizes. As a result, more and more applications and data are moving to the cloud. While this has created a number of benefits — including cost savings, ease of access, and increased operational efficiencies — the cloud has also made it more challenging to protect sensitive data.

Meet Lookout SAIL: A Generative AI Tailored For Your Security Operations

Today, cybersecurity companies are in a never-ending race against cyber criminals, each seeking innovative new tactics to outpace the other. The newfound accessibility of generative artificial intelligence (gen AI) has revolutionized how people work, but it's also made threat actors more efficient. Attackers can now quickly create phishing messages or automate vulnerability discoveries.

Consolidate existing vendor solutions

For many organizations, the security topology leveraged multiple solutions, which were spliced together. By utilizing the Lookout Cloud Security Platform, you can define a set of security policies that get seamlessly applied to SaaS, private enterprise apps, mail, and web sites. This approach not only simplifies the security architecture but also helps seal gaps within the security framework.

Integrate with your existing infrastructure

It often takes years to fully integrate the IT infrastructure after a merger and acquisition. During that time, you need to provide user access to private enterprise apps while aligning security policies across both organizations. The Lookout Cloud Security Platform allows you to quickly provide access to private enterprise apps by following a zero trust network access architecture.

Data Protection on the Internet: Data Leakage Prevention for ChatGPT, Bard, Generative AI, and Shadow IT

With the rise of hybrid work, data leakage has become a significant issue. Employees are now working from a variety of locations, including their homes, coffee shops, and even public libraries. This makes it more difficult to keep track of data moving between managed endpoints and your organization's SaaS applications or private apps. Shadow IT, the use of unauthorized or unapproved software and services by employees has always been a challenge for IT departments.