

Build Status

Project Description

Octobot wants to make your github and slack lives better by triggering more directed pull request notifications to help pull requests from their worst nightmare: remaining un-reviewed.

Octobot isn't content to stop there, it also wants to help merge pull requests to release branches for you. All you have to do is label pull requests with "backport-1.0" (for example). After merging the original PR, it will cherry-pick the commit to "release/1.0" and open up a new PR for you.

Yet still more, octobot also wants to help improve JIRA issue tracking. If a PR is submitted with jira issues in the title, they will be commented on and transitioned to in-progress/pending-review. When the PR is merged, they will be commented on again with the PR title/body, and transitioned to Resolved: Fixed.


Download source code as [.zip file] [.tar.gz file]
Documentation: [README]