Best Practices for Adobe Experience Manager Implementation

Best Practices for Adobe Experience Manager Implementation

Do you know that Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) runs the digital experiences for over 40% of top Fortune 100 firms? This platform helps organizations make and share personalized content. Yet, using AEM well needs good plans, strong structure, and following the right steps. This ensures smooth content handling, the ability to run multiple sites, and great digital experiences for users.

AEM has many tools for managing website content, online assets, forms, and more. By sticking to the best practices from Adobe's experts, companies can make their AEM systems work better. These best practices touch on content designs, how to set up the software, coding tips, and mistakes to steer clear of.

In this guide, we'll dive into crucial best practices for AEM implementation, AEM development, AEM deployment, and AEM administration. If you're starting a new AEM project or making an old one better, you'll find these tips valuable. They aim to set you up for success in the long run with your digital experience work.

AEM Implementation Best Practices – Getting Started

Starting an AEM implementation project means you should look at Adobe's best practices. These guidelines come from Adobe's experts in engineering and consulting. They cover AEM development's key parts, like content architecture, software architecture, and coding guidelines.

The first step to success in AEM deployment is building a strong AEM setup and AEM content management base. Following AEM best practices helps make sure your Adobe Experience Manager integration meets top standards. Plus, it ensures that you offer a great digital experience.

Key AEM Implementation Best Practices


Content Architecture

Designing a robust and scalable content architecture that aligns with your organization's content management requirements and future growth.

Software Architecture

Establishing a well-structured software architecture that promotes modularity, flexibility, and maintainability.

Coding Guidelines

Adhering to best practices in coding, including code organization, naming conventions, and security measures.

Common Pitfalls

Identifying and addressing common challenges and issues that can arise during AEM implementation, such as performance bottlenecks and integration complexities.

By sticking to these AEM implementation best practices, companies can set a strong foundation. They make sure that the journey from AEM setup to AEM content management and AEM deployment is smooth and successful.

Best Practices in Developing Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)

When making AEM-based systems, it’s key to follow best practices. This ensures the system is easy to use, change, and keep working smoothly. These rules touch on everything from content architecture to coding guidelines, and how your system works with JCR and OSGi.

Development, Software, and Content Architecture

Creating a smart AEM content architecture is important. It helps you neatly organize and control content. This part also means having a strong plan for building AEM components. You should use AEM workflows to make managing content easier and rely on AEM templates to keep things looking the same everywhere.

In the same way, designing AEM software is crucial for a system that works well, can grow, and is easy to keep up. Doing the right things, like looking after AEM multisite management, helps your project succeed in the long term.

Coding Guidelines

Having clear AEM coding guidelines is vital. It keeps your code base clean and effective. These guidelines are about how to organize your code, what to name things, how to test, and what to document. This ensures your AEM system is good quality and will last.

JCR & OSGi Integration

Getting AEM JCR and OSGi to work together well is a big deal in AEM development. Good practices in this field help content flow smoothly, speed up performance, and make your project easier to work on. It’s all about better content management and a more flexible AEM system.

By sticking to these best practices in AEM development, you help make powerful, agile, and easy-to-keep-up AEM systems. In the end, this leads to great online experiences for people using your site.

Java API Best Practices

When working with AEM-based solutions, using the Java API correctly is key. It helps maintain the security, performance, and maintainability of your AEM-based system.

It's best to focus on integration more than customization. Try to use the AEM Java API already available. This approach is quicker, more cost-effective, and fits better with AEM's standards.

Working in a modular, reusable way is also a great idea. This makes the system more maintainable and flexible. It's easier to update or change things later on.

Improving performance is crucial too. Use techniques like caching and handle resources efficiently. This keeps the AEM-based system running smoothly and ready to handle more load.

Always stick to coding best practices and security guidelines. This means handling errors, checking inputs, and keeping security tight. These steps reduce the chance of problems.

By sticking to these AEM Java API best practices, you can build AEM-based solutions that are safe, fast, and easy to look after. It sets up your AEM development, AEM integration, AEM customization, and AEM migration projects for success in the long run.

Best Practices in Deploying AEM

To get the best out of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), you need to follow some key steps. These steps make sure your system runs well, grows with your needs, and stays safe. You'll want to think about how you set up the Oak storage system and make your AEM deployment better.

Oak Deployment and Performance Optimization

The Oak system is central to AEM and shapes how well it performs. Using the right methods for Oak deployment and making it perform better is key. This makes your AEM system work smoothly, handle more work, and keep data safe.

Here are some top tips for Oak setup and boosting performance:

  • Set up the Oak storage engine right for your needs and traffic.
  • Make the Oak index work well so that looking up data is fast.
  • Use caching tricks to lessen the strain of lots of people accessing data.
  • Check and tweak how Oak handles its tasks to find and fix slow spots.
  • Make sure your Oak system can grow with you by using cloud or shared storage.

Following these best tips helps make your AEM system fast, able to grow, and secure. This means you can give your users great digital experiences.

AEM Administration Best Practices

Running an AEM system well is key to its success in the long run. To achieve this, administrators must stick to certain guidelines. These ensure the system runs smoothly and is secure and easy to manage.

To start, having a strong AEM maintenance plan is crucial. Administrators need to regularly back up the system. They should also keep software up to date. Plus, they must monitor the system's performance. This helps to catch and fix any issues before they become big problems.

It’s also important to have good AEM customization plans. These plans help manage changes and make it easy to move from one AEM version to another. This keeps everything running well as the system evolves.

AEM support is also vital for a system's ongoing success. Admins should keep in touch with the AEM development team. They must also stay on top of the latest security fixes and updates. Using the AEM documentation and community help is key for solving problems and getting support.

AEM Administration Best Practices


Regular System Backups

Implement a comprehensive backup strategy to ensure the safe restoration of the AEM system in the event of data loss or system failure.

Software Updates and Patches

Stay up to date with security patches and updates to keep the system safe and current.

Performance Monitoring

Keep an eye on the system's performance, spot issues, and improve it to keep things running smoothly.

Customization Management

Organize how you manage changes. Make sure they are documented, tested, and can easily move between AEM versions.

Effective Communication and Support

Set up good communication with the AEM team and use community help to get quick support and troubleshooting.

By following these AEM administration best practices, companies can ensure their AEM systems are stable, secure, and high-performing. This allows them to offer great digital experiences to their customers.

AEM Assets Best Practices

AEM Assets is crucial for digital asset management in the Adobe Experience Manager. To manage content efficiently and comply with regulations, best practices are key. These practices deal with integrating AEM Assets with AEM Sites and following content and compliance rules.

AEM Sites Content Management And Compliance

Linking AEM Assets with AEM Sites is vital for controlling content throughout a company. It lets firms manage, share, and display digital items on their AEM websites. This ensures users have a unified and stimulating experience.

Complying with regulations is a top priority for AEM Assets usage. Firms need to follow rules like data privacy laws and brand guidelines. AEM Assets include strong compliance tools such as metadata handling and access permissions.

To keep AEM Sites compliant and well-managed, firms need clear asset rules. These rules cover how assets are added, tagged, approved, and who can view them. Regular checks on AEM Assets usage help keep compliance tight and lower risks.

Best Practices for AEM Assets


Integrate AEM Assets with AEM Sites

Seamless content management and delivery across the enterprise

Implement robust metadata management

Improved discoverability, organization, and compliance

Establish comprehensive access controls

Enhanced security and compliance with data privacy regulations

Develop well-defined asset ingestion and approval workflows

Streamlined content management processes and quality assurance

Regularly audit and monitor AEM Asset usage

Proactive identification and mitigation of compliance risks

Implementing these AEM Assets practices helps firms manage their content well. It ensures they follow the law and offer seamless experiences to all customers, online and through AEM Sites.

Authoring – AEM Assets Best Practices

Managing digital assets with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) needs the right steps. These steps help in creating, optimizing, and delivering content well. They cover things like the types of files supported, how videos are encoded, and making images better.

File Formats Support

AEM should work well with many file types for its users. It needs to handle images, videos, audios, and documents smoothly. Good practice means it should support these formats easily, making it simpler for those managing the content.

Encoding Source Video Files

Dealing with videos in AEM includes setting up your files right from the start. This means choosing the best codecs and settings for clear videos. It helps make your videos work well on many devices without taking up too much space.

Optimizing Quality of Images

Making images just the right size is a central part of AEM assets authoring best practices. AEM tools let you keep images sharp while making them smaller. This keeps your work running smoothly and looks great online. To do this, fit your images with smart compression and sizes.

How TTMS Can Help You with Implementing Best Practices to Your AEM System?

Implementing best practices for your AEM system can be tricky. It needs good planning and expert knowledge. TTMS can help you. They are experts in AEM and offer top-notch services. With their help, your AEM system can follow the best practices well.

Comprehensive Planning and Strategic Approach

TTMS knows a great AEM setup needs a clear plan. They will work with you to make a strategy that fits your needs.

From setting up content to designing software, they cover it all. Your AEM system will be made to work perfectly for you.

Experts at Your Disposal

TTMS has a skilled team in AEM who know the platform inside out. Partnering with them means you get a lot of support and knowledge.

They will train your team so you can manage and improve your AEM system well.

Personalized Training and Support

Getting the best out of your AEM system needs ongoing effort. TTMS offers training and support that's just for you.

They help with everything, from getting started to keeping your system running smoothly. With their help, your AEM investment will pay off well.


Setting up a good Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) needs a detailed method, strong structure, and deep grasp of top practices. Following these well-known rules lets groups manage their content easily. It also helps in giving customers digital experiences that feel personal. This leads to the success of their AEM system for a long time.

Every part of AEM, from AEM implementation and development to deployment, administration, assets, and authoring, needs careful thought and improvement. Getting advice from seasoned AEM consulting pros and using top best practices is crucial. It helps companies fully use the AEM platform for positive AEM integration and migration.

By adopting the whole list of best practices in this piece, companies can grow their content handling skills. They can also craft digital experiences that are just right for their users. This way of working on AEM implementation and improving over time keeps companies leading in the digital world. They're ready to respond quickly to what their customers and partners need.


What are the key best practices for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) implementation?

AEM should start with careful planning and a strong architecture. It's important to follow Adobe's best practices. These practices include setting up your content and software well, using the right coding, and avoiding common mistakes.

What are the best practices for developing AEM-based systems?

For AEM systems, follow good practices to keep everything organized and easy to update. This means setting up your content, software, and coding in the right way. Also, make sure to integrate properly with JCR and OSGi.

What are the best practices for leveraging the Java API in AEM-based solutions?

Using the Java API correctly is key for a secure, fast, and easy-to-maintain AEM system. Stick to best practices with Java to reach your system's goals.

What are the best practices for deploying AEM?

Deploying AEM right needs you to think about performance, growth, and safety. Be sure to follow the best practices for AEM's storage and overall setup.

What are the best practices for administering an AEM-based system?

Administering an AEM system well is important for its health. Use the best practices to run your AEM setup smoothly, safe, and easy to update.

What are the best practices for managing AEM Assets?

To manage AEM Assets, follow special practices for good and legal content handling. These include linking AEM Assets with AEM Sites and sticking to content and legal rules.

What are the best practices for authoring and managing digital assets within the AEM platform?

For creating and managing digital assets in AEM, follow top practices. This ensures smooth content creation and delivery. Include tips for supporting other file types, encoding videos, and optimizing images.

How can TTMS help with implementing best practices for an AEM-based system?

Setting up AEM right involves a lot, but TTMS can make it smoother. They offer expert help in planning and using AEM well. This ensures your AEM system follows the best practices for success.