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The IT Hour | The Latest on Android 03.15.24

Sergey Belous, Product Manager, tells us about all the cool new updates to JumpCloud's Android management capabilities. Join us at 11:30 am ET. The #IT Hour hosted by #JumpCloud is a #communityprogram focused on the life of #ITAdministrators. With the ever changing #ITlandscape, having community and professional networking opportunities is very valuable. You can expect from our weekly conversations.

Bringing Secure, Streamlined, and Scalable Access Management to the Next Level with the Circles Team

Urvashi H.V., Technical Community Champion, JumpCloud talks to Thomas Dias, Senior Technology & Operations Professional, Gautham Shet - Cyber Security Integration Lead, and Ketan Karnick - Head of Enterprise Security from the IT team about how they use JumpCloud to solve their security challenges. The team tells us about how JumpCloud has helped them tighten security, as well as speed up repeated processes via integrations and automation.

The IT Hour | App Lifecycle Releases 03.08.24

Josh Roland, Product Manager at JumpCloud tells us about the latest updates to App Lifecycle Management. Join us at 11:30 am ET. The #IT Hour hosted by #JumpCloud is a #communityprogram focused on the life of #ITAdministrators. With the ever changing #ITlandscape, having community and professional networking opportunities is very valuable.

Bridging Security and IT Operations feat. Defensible Technology

In this JumpCloud Partner Success Interview we meet with Stephen Doty, CEO and Founder of Defensible Technology, as he talks about JumpCloud as a "swiss army knife" for IT, their diverse clientele, and how their journey with JumpCloud started with a single request for SSO and MFA.