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Avast Secure Browser: Browse Privately & Securely | Take Control of Your Online Privacy

What you do online should be your business and your business alone. In today’s digital world, unfortunately, a lot of what you do is tracked by advertisers and hackers. With Avast Secure Browser, you can browse more privately and securely. We help prevent advertisers from tracking you, and collecting your personal data, offering a range of blocking options. Select from Basic, Balanced, or Strict Blocking to customize your level of privacy. Plus, our Password Manager ensures the keys to your digital identity stay secure.

eIDAS 2.0: Latest News & Progress

Europe’s proposed eIDAS 2.0 regulation and the EU Digital Identity Wallet Initiative share a mission very close to our hearts at Avast — to enable secure, private, and portable digital identity for all. In this webinar, we invited a panel of private and public sector leaders to provide an update on the latest news and progress around the regulation. We covered the recent amendments, the technology that makes it possible, the role of qualified trust service providers (QTSPs), and the process for getting the legislation approved and written into law.

Prue Leith Educates the Nation on Digital Cookies

Renowned celebrity baker, Prue Leith, is helping to educate the nation on digital cookies as research shows that over a third of Brits (35%) don’t know what they actually are or what they do. The research, commissioned by Avast, revealed more than four in five (85%) of UK adults have accepted cookies on a website without reading any of the policies or making any changes, yet nearly seven in ten (68%) agree they could be risking their online privacy by doing so.