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Cloudflare Cache Reserve Walkthrough and Demo

Many organizations store large, infrequently changing assets like videos, images or large binary files on cloud provider networks for easy access. Unfortunately, any time an asset is fetched from the origin server, many cloud providers charge an egress fee. These egress fees can quickly add up and become a significant cost. Cloudflare’s Cache Reserve helps minimize these unnecessary egress fees by reducing origin egress and optimizing cache hit ratios.

Cloudflare Security Analytics, WAF Attack Score, and Uploaded Content Scanning

Cloudflare Security Analytics, WAF Attack Score, and Uploaded Content Scanning further enhance Cloudflare security and WAF capabilities. Security Analytics brings together all Cloudflare security detection capabilities in one place to show a detailed understanding of a site's traffic and threats. WAF Attack Score via machine learning scores every request with a probability of it being malicious. Uploaded Content Scanning scans content being uploaded to your application for malicious content.