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Episode 12 | Employee Training in a Virtual Environment

The pandemic has resulted in changing infrastructure for providing training to employees in this work from home limitation of large gatherings environment. This episode will feature a special guest to discuss how we partner to bring the highest level of security training to our clients – in a high-tech manner that we believe is best in class and exceedingly useful in today's environment.

Shape of the New | Global Art Market Webinar Series - Part 2: Regulation and Risk

Our two-part roundtable webinar series on the future of the global art market, features guests from Hauser & Wirth, HMRC, Demif Gallery and The Society of London Art Dealers. Presented by Gareth Fletcher of Sotheby’s Institute of Art, the series explores change and transformation in the art market, from new technologies, ways of viewing and buying art, and market supervision, to digital art crime, the rise of African artists, and the illicit trade in art and antiquities.

Shape of the New | Global Art Market Webinar Series - Part 1: Markets and Makers

Our two-part roundtable webinar series on the future of the global art market, features guests from Hauser & Wirth, HMRC, Demif Gallery and The Society of London Art Dealers. Presented by Gareth Fletcher of Sotheby’s Institute of Art, the series explores change and transformation in the art market, from new technologies, ways of viewing and buying art, and market supervision, to digital art crime, the rise of African artists, and the illicit trade in art and antiquities.

Multi-Faceted Investigation Methodology

When incidents or traumatic events occur, there are a set of investigative techniques and methodologies that need to be deployed quickly and with the right expertise. In this episode of Kroll’s Security Concepts, three of Kroll’s investigative experts Marco De Bernardin, Francesca Castelli and Nick Doyle come together to discuss their experience with the lifecycle of investigations.

Anatomy of a Data Breach - How to Protect Your Clients and Brand

Industry veterans Brian Lapidus and David White recently hosted a 40-minute dive into data breaches, how to expedite your response and what to expect when facing a breach of sensitive data, regardless of how it happens. The session was followed by live Q&A. Together, Brian and David have responded to thousands of data breaches worldwide and supported over 300 million customers safeguard their identity.

Trade-based Money Laundering and Assets Tracing: Increased Risks and Hurdles Faced by Corporations

Stefano Demichelis, Managing Director in the Business Intelligence and Investigations team at Kroll, a division of Duff & Phelps, recently spoke at a webinar organized by LegalPlus Asia. In this webinar, he shared his views on trade-based money laundering (TBML) and the implications for corporations.

Cyber Security in 2021: Confident Detection and Response

As the volume and sophistication of cyber threats grow, it’s imperative that companies have the ability to rapidly detect and confidently respond to a variety of threats. Devon Ackerman, Head of Incident Response for Kroll’s Cyber Risk practice in North America shares how security leaders feel their organizations are inadequately resourced to run a mature detection and response program.

Cyber Security in 2021: Beware Increased Assault on Endpoints

The COVID-19 pandemic rushed security teams to find ways to support a largely remote workforce, changing the cyber threat landscape with increased opportunities for criminals to exploit vulnerabilities in the work from home environment. Jason Smolanoff, Global Cyber Risk Practice Leader at Kroll, outlines his one big thing for 2021 when it comes to cyber security: the increased assault on endpoints, which will force information security professionals to gain full visibility into a variety of devices and systems now operating outside of the company network.