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SANS 2021 Report: Top Skills Analysts Need to Master

Organizations are steadily investing in and improving their security operations, leading to an unprecedented demand for security-related roles and skills. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is expected that information security analyst jobs will increase 31% from 2019 to 2029. With this, analysts are expected to be masters of the craft, or "all-around defenders." In this report, you will learn: Learn the skills security analysts need to master to make them successful by downloading the report.

SANS 2021 Cyber Threat Intelligence Survey Report:

The past year has been filled with changes to almost every aspect of daily life, and cyber threat intelligence (CTI) work did not go untouched. CTI is analyzed information about the capabilities, opportunities, and intent of adversaries conducting cyber operations. Adversaries tend to operate in and across digital networks and equipment that shape and impact businesses, critical infrastructure, and people's daily lives. Even with the difficulties that 2020 brought, CTI work has continued to grow and mature.


The Adversarial Tactics, Techniques & Common Knowledge (ATT&CK) project by MITRE is an initiative started in 2015 with the goal of providing a "globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. Since its inception, ATT&CK has taken the information security industry by storm. Many vendors and information security teams the world over have moved to adopt it with blinding speed-and for good reason: It is one of the most exciting, useful and needed efforts within InfoSec in recent memory.

SANS 2020 Cyber Threat Intelligence Survey Report:

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is analyzed information about the capabilities, opportunities and intent of adversaries that meets a specific requirement determined by a stakeholder. Organizations with CTI programs focus on understanding the threats they face and providing specific information to help defend against those threats. Key survey takeaways: Copyright © 2019, ThreatQuotient, Inc. All Rights Reserved.