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The Ultimate Guide To OWASP Security Checks for Web and Mobile Apps

When you are looking for genuine, inexpensive unbiased information to make your application secure, there is no better source to go to than OWASP. OWASP gives you guidelines to the industry's top threats and security best practices that help ensure your applications are secured. Take a look at this FREE OWASP Guide that covers vulnerabilities from both web and mobile to give you a comprehensive overview of your application's security status.

Why Security Testing is Important for SaaS Companies?

As SaaS businesses continue to evolve in a world of cut throat competition, key decision makers must ensure full accountability of their user's security. Sensitive and personal data should be monitored and kept secure along with innovation and strategic investments. Hence security for SaaS organisations is a critical component as a strategic driver for the growth of business.

Mobile Security Trends: What to Expect in the Year 2021

When we make our way into the ecosystem of security technology and infrastructure initiative, learning about application security trends becomes of utmost importance. The unpredictable COVID-19 situation has made global businesses more vulnerable than ever to cyberattacks and breaches. Be it the Zoom data breach (500k records stolen) or the Marriott (5.2 million records breached), hackers don't seem to miss opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to business infrastructures and public records.

Incorporating Security into SDLC with DevSecOps

In public-facing cloud environments with faster than ever deployment and delivery speeds, we need security models that can keep up with the pace. However, security still remains one of the most downplayed affairs in many organizations. While DevOps practices have helped organizations find means to build and react to the market faster, the hurdles of relying on traditional security are still making inroads for more and more threat incidents.