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Signs Your Organization Needs a GRC Solution

Before beginning, you might ask yourself: Does my organization need a GRC Solution? The simple answer is yes. There are over 200 complex frameworks and workflows that simply can’t be managed by floods of repetitious spreadsheets or word documents. Let’s define “Governance Risk-Management Compliance” and how the three pillars work together in relation to an organization and its objectives. Check top 30 security frameworks – 2019.

How to Manage Technological Risks?

In all sectors, technology has become a vital aspect of operations and has transformed the workplace, but that dependence on technologies also poses a threat to organizational wellbeing. Data breaches, system failures, malicious attacks–as well as natural disasters that impact technologies–can wreak havoc on company reputations, regulatory compliance and fiscal health.

Emerging Risks Facing the Financial Services Industry in 2019

Since financial services industry collects, stores, and transmits sensitive non-public informationinformatino, malicious actors continue to target it. As the financial services industry embraces digital transformation, it opens itself up to new risks. Cloud infrastructures act as a primary target, leading to new risks arising from the new technologies. Emerging risks facing the financial services industry require continuous monitoring to retain a robust cybersecurity posture.

What are Internal Control Weaknesses?

A control weakness is a failure in the implementation or effectiveness of internal controls. Malicious actors leverage internal control weakness to circumvent even the most robust security measures. The wide range of internal controls, the increased number of new technologies, and the rate at which malware evolves necessitate data security control monitoring. Regularly monitoring allows organizations to test the effectiveness of their internal controls and expose weaknesses in their implementation.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

It is rightly said that “Prevention Is Better Than Cure.” This maxim can also be applied in information technology in terms of IT risks. Risk mitigation is a process whereby an enterprise takes some proactive measures or use some strategies to mitigate or eliminate risks altogether in order to prevent or reduce damage to the organization. The following sections gain an insight into some popular risk mitigation strategies organizations are looking for in 2019.

The Main Elements of a Security Risk Analysis Report

No organization has complete protection against today’s sophisticated and fast cyber-threats. To maximize the security posture of your enterprise, you need to evaluate the risks in an effective manner, in addition to the various other security measures. The report in which you describe all the risks – coined as “Security Risk Analysis Report” – has utmost importance for the effectiveness of the overall Risk Management Program.

Why Cyber Security is Key to Enterprise Risk Management for all Organizations

Large organizations have always focused on managing risk, but the technological breakthroughs that have enhanced our world in countless ways have also transformed how leading executives engage in enterprise risk management (ERM). The pervasive and ever-expanding threat of cyber crime means that comprehensive strategies for cyber security are now absolutely essential for all organizations.

Risk Management in the Retail Industry

Cyber risk management for the retail industry increases in complexity on an almost daily basis. Using Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) tools eases business operations by streamlining payment processing and inventory management. However, since automated tools connect to the internet, they add new risks that retailers need to mitigate.