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Ransomware Crypto Payments Are on the Rise While the Rest of Crypto Crime is on the Decline

New insight from blockchain analysis company, Chainalysis, shows that activity involving known ransomware crypto addresses has grown over the last 18 months, despite a downfall of other malicious activity. When I cover reports, there’s an understanding that the accuracy of the data provided is dependent on the number of organizations responding to a survey, the geos and industries represented, etc.

Tailgating Through Physical Security Using Social Engineering Tactics

Researchers at Check Point outline various forms of tailgating attacks. These attacks can allow threat actors to bypass physical security measures via social engineering. “Tailgating is a common form of social engineering attack,” the researchers write. “Social engineering attacks use trickery, deception, or coercion to induce someone to take actions that are not in the best interests of themselves or the organization.

[Discovered] An evil new AI disinformation attack called 'PoisonGPT'

PoisonGPT works completely normally, until you ask it who the first person to walk on the moon was. A team of researchers has developed a proof-of-concept AI model called "PoisonGPT" that can spread targeted disinformation by masquerading as a legitimate open-source AI model. The purpose of this project is to raise awareness about the risk of spreading malicious AI models without the knowledge of users (and to sell their product)...

Two-Thirds of Ransomware Attacks Against Manufacturing Resulted in Encrypted Data

As the rate of ransomware attacks steadily increased over time, there are clear indicators as to how these attacks are starting and, therefore, what can be done to stop them. With the exception of the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, we rarely get insight into specific industry verticals.

Three Key Takeaways From the Newly Adopted EU-US Data Privacy Framework You Need To Know

On July 10th, the EU Commission adopted an adequacy decision for the proposed EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework. This is exciting news for organizations, as many have been stuck in privacy "limbo" since the annulment of the previous EU-U.S. Data transfer mechanism, Privacy Shield, which was annulled due to challenges in court by privacy activist Max Schrems.

Launch Of New Meta Thread App Spawns Hundreds Of Spoof Domains

Researchers at Veriti have observed hundreds of spoofed domains following Meta’s launch of its Threads social media platform. “In recent weeks, we have observed a surge in the creation of suspicious domains, with over 700 domains related to Threads being registered daily,” the researchers write.

Phishing Attacks Employing QR Codes Are Capturing User Credentials

Using a new twist to bypass detection from security solutions, cyber attacks are now employing what will be construed as a benign image whose malicious intent can’t be traced. Threat actors need some means of getting a user to engage with malicious content – whether an attachment, link, or phone call, there needs to be some content within an email that provides the victim user with their next step.

Phishing Campaigns Are Now Targeting the Hospitality and Tourism Ponds

A phishing campaign is targeting the tourism and hospitality industries, according to researchers at Votiro. “In this instance, the hacker booked a room at an international hotel and submitted a request for the hotel to get in touch with them immediately via WhatsApp about an urgent issue,” the researchers write. “Once the hotel employee engaged the customer over WhatsApp, the hacker responded with their request.

Australia's National Anti-Scam Centre: Prevention Is Better Than the Cure

Australia officially launched their National Anti-Scam Centre this week. With more than AUD $3.1 billion lost each year, Australians need support. With representatives from the banks, telecommunications industries and digital platforms, the intent of the center is to identify methods to disrupt all kinds of scams and reduce scam losses. While I completely support this initiative, it would be remiss of me not to highlight that the prevention of scams is perhaps as important as the cure.