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CISOs in the Spotlight: Lessons from the SolarWinds SEC Action

Unless you have been hiding under a rock the last few weeks, you will know about the SEC taking action against the SolarWinds CISO in a landmark case that is going to change the way CISOs undertake their jobs in the future. The SEC’s action against the SolarWinds CISO is a wakeup call for all CISOs.

The Power of Continuous Penetration Testing

As organisations continue to become more reliant on technology, cyber security threats become more frequent and sophisticated. With more and more data being stored online, it’s crucial that organisations protect their systems and data from cyber attacks. Penetration testing is an effective way to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an organisation’s cyber security defences, but traditional penetration testing has limitations.

Partnership announcement between Electric Miles and Razorthorn

We’re delighted to announce that we have teamed up with Electric Miles, B2B SaaS company providing EV charging software to charger manufacturers, offering a combined service for Electric Vehicle (EV) charger manufacturers and resellers to ensure compliance with the upcoming December 2022 cyber security regulations.

Could You Outsmart a Phishing Scam?

We’ve all had it happen. You receive an email telling you that you’ve won a prize draw you never entered or a foreign prince wants to transfer you a huge sum of money and needs your bank details. These obvious scams can be spotted from a mile away and are what we tend to think of when we think of phishing, but it’s not always that apparent. Over the years, phishing scams have become harder to detect and many have fallen victim as a result.

Biometrics in the Banking Industry

Biometric technology, such as fingerprint sensors and voice recognition, has become widely popular in recent years with the boom in mobile applications. Organizations are now trying to make use of this technology and implement it to a wide range of areas. Particularly for the banking industry, biometrics can play a vital role in fraud prevention. With the prevalence of phone and digital banking, banks require innovative ways to authenticate their customer’s identity.

Biometrics: Improving Security for Working from Home

Biometrics has been around for a long time but has only had limited adoption until recently. I was involved in some of the early commercial biometric devices way back in 2000; the company I was working for at the time investigated the possibility of using them, but back then the false positive rates on the devices we investigated were way too high – either people could not authenticate or it was authenticating the wrong people.